What is Inner Transformation?

What is Inner Transformation?

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 Outer World is like a Magnifying Glass that Magnifies the Inner state of our Mind

 We are the resident of two worlds. One is Inner world and other is Outer World. We know many rich and famous celebrities who committed suicide. They focus completely on outer world. They achieved success but their inner world was impoverished and ignored. The success in outer world is like a magnifying glass. It magnifies the state of our inner world. So when we achieve more success in outer world, it increases the order of magnification of the state of our inner world. If one feels emptiness, inadequate and unfulfilled inside, then more outer success will magnify this inadequacy. Similarly if one feels fulfilled, love and complete in inner world, achieving outer success will make him more happy and fulfilled. Hence to achieve happiness, it is important that we achieve the balance of both worlds and focus on improving our inner world before embarking on outer success.

Inner World – (Software of our Mind)

Our inner world consists of the thoughts, feelings and pictures we hold in our mind. These are based on our past accumulated experiences. They become the filter through which we interpret all the external events. I call this filter the Software of our mind that processes all the inputs we receive from outer or inner world. How we feel is a direct result of this Interpretation and meaning we provide within our head based on this software of our mind? The external objects in themselves are neutral and merely act as a stimuli to be processed by our software. Let us say I buy a Rado watch. It acts as a stimulus that is processed by the software of my mind. It interprets and gives me the feeling of joy. Now if I show the Rado watch to my friends, since each one of them has different software running in their head they will interpret the stimulus differently. So someone who is jealous of me, his software will interpret and generate the feeling of unhappiness and jealous. One who is not interested in material world may feel it is a waste of money. One who shares my happiness, his software will interpret this event a joyous. Each person’s experiences are different and hence each person has unique Software to interpret the external events. We can influence a person to change his software but have no direct control to change his software. Hence we feel helpless and powerless when the external world does not work according to the specification of our software. In our ignorance we embark on a mammoth and impossible project of changing software of every person whose specification is not aligned with ours. The easy task is to change our software so as to interpret the external stimulus in a positive way.

Inner Transformation

With above example we see that software or our inner world plays an important role in determining our happiness and not the external event. It is not what happens to us but how we interpret what happens to us or the meaning we provide to what happens to us make us feel happy or sad. Changing and Controlling of our Thoughts or Inner Software is called as Inner Transformation. This will allow us to cultivate happiness independent of external event. It shifts the locus of control of our life to us. Slowly we will observe that our sphere of influence begins to expand.

Life Transformation Program is designed (LTP) is designed to teach you the techniques to make changes to the inner software of our mind.



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